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24 March 2016

Trust move to REAP level 5

Message from the Executive Team Following a review of the REAP level, the senior operational team has taken the decision to move to REAP level 5. The Trust has, therefore, moved to REAP level 5 with immediate effect.  Managers are asked to review the REAP Plan and ensure that actions in level 4 are strictly adhered to and also actions in level 5 are followed. The Trust took the decision to move t

24 March 2016

Ambulance service asks for public’s support over long Easter weekend

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is asking the public for its support as its staff prepare for what will, as ever, be a busy long Easter weekend. The Trust is reminding people to pick up any repeat prescriptions, keep an eye on elderly or vulnerable family, friends or neighbours and to check medicine cabinets are stocked with any useful and in-date medication. SECAm

24 March 2016

Trust move to REAP level 5

Message from the Executive Team Following a review of the REAP level, the senior operational team has taken the decision to move to REAP level 5. The Trust has, therefore, moved to REAP level 5 with immediate effect.  Managers are asked to review the REAP Plan and ensure that actions in level 4 are strictly adhered to and also actions in level 5 are followed. The Trust took the decision to move t

18 March 2016

CQC Inspection

The Trust is due to be inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on May 3-6, 2016. To help provide you with some information about what the inspection will involve we have created a new page in the Staff Zone: On this page you will find details of how many inspectors will be on site, the areas of work that they will be auditi

18 March 2016

CQC Inspection

The Trust is due to be inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on May 3-6, 2016. To help provide you with some information about what the inspection will involve we have created a new page in the Staff Zone: On this page you will find details of how many inspectors will be on site, the areas of work that they will be auditi

18 March 2016

CQC Inspection

The Trust is due to be inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on May 3-6, 2016. To help provide you with some information about what the inspection will involve we have created a new page in the Staff Zone: On this page you will find details of how many inspectors will be on site, the areas of work that they will be auditi

16 March 2016

New HQ

The work on the new SECAmb HQ is continuing and we are now getting into some of the details of what the new building will look like.  To help with this we have employed some design specialists – Hu-Tech – to help us explore options and come up with a plan.  We need your help in this. This week the designers from Hu-Tech will be in Banstead, Coxheath and Lewes on Wednesday to Friday.  They will be

16 March 2016

New HQ

The work on the new SECAmb HQ is continuing and we are now getting into some of the details of what the new building will look like.  To help with this we have employed some design specialists – Hu-Tech – to help us explore options and come up with a plan.  We need your help in this. This week the designers from Hu-Tech will be in Banstead, Coxheath and Lewes on Wednesday to Friday.  They will be

16 March 2016

New HQ

The work on the new SECAmb HQ is continuing and we are now getting into some of the details of what the new building will look like.  To help with this we have employed some design specialists – Hu-Tech – to help us explore options and come up with a plan.  We need your help in this. This week the designers from Hu-Tech will be in Banstead, Coxheath and Lewes on Wednesday to Friday.  They will be

15 March 2016

Trust publishes review into Red 3 Green 5 Pilot

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust has today (Tuesday, 15 March 2016) published the independent review undertaken by Deloitte into its Red 3/Green 5 Pilot. This review looked specifically at the decision-making processes and governance around the implementation of the pilot.  It did not look at the impact of the pilot on patients (i.e. whether patients’ conditions were worsen

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