As an important part of being a well-led organisation, it is essential that the Trust has a transparent financial management framework set out at the beginning of each financial year. This will ensure that those with budget responsibility have a clear understanding of the expectations for that particular year.
Financial Summary
The Trust’s income and expenditure performance for the year ended 31 March 2019 was a surplus of £2.4m which, included £4.4m Provider Sustainability Funding (PSF). The Trust had planned a surplus of £0.7m for the year, being the revised control total agreed with NHS Improvement (NHSI) during the year. This was an improvement on the original control total deficit of £0.8m agreed with NHSI .
The significant improvement in the Trust’s financial performance from the original plan was due to additional non-recurrent PSF contribution of £1.0m based on delivering a £0.5m improvement in the original underlying performance and a further PSF distribution of £1.7m for achieving the agreed control totals target.
The Trust’s underlying performance was a deficit of £2.0m, which is the position excluding PSF.
Staff Pay & Grading Structures
The NHS Careers website contains information about pay and grading structures for ambulance staff and managers.
Expenditure over £25,000
Following guidance issued by HM Treasury each month, we will be publishing details of any spending on single items over £25,000 – go to Single spends over £25,000.
CQUIN Summary of Guidance applying to SECAmb in 2018/19
A proportion of SECAmb income (2.5%) in 2018/19 is conditional on achieving quality improvement and innovation goals agreed between SECAmb and any person or body they entered into a contract, agreement or arrangement with for the provision of relevant health services, through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQIN) payment framework.