
As an important part of being a well-led organisation, it is essential that the Trust has a transparent financial management framework set out at the beginning of each financial year. This will ensure that those with budget responsibility have a clear understanding of the expectations for that particular year.

Financial Summary

The Trust’s income and expenditure performance for the year ended 31 March 2019 was a surplus of £2.4m which, included £4.4m Provider Sustainability Funding (PSF). The Trust had planned a surplus of £0.7m for the year, being the revised control total agreed with NHS Improvement (NHSI) during the year. This was an improvement on the original control total deficit of £0.8m agreed with NHSI .

The significant improvement in the Trust’s financial performance from the original plan was due to additional non-recurrent PSF contribution of £1.0m based on delivering a £0.5m improvement in the original underlying performance and a further PSF distribution of £1.7m for achieving the agreed control totals target.

The Trust’s underlying performance was a deficit of £2.0m, which is the position excluding PSF.

Staff Pay & Grading Structures

The NHS Careers website contains information about pay and grading structures for ambulance staff and managers.

Expenditure over £25,000

Following guidance issued by HM Treasury each month, we will be publishing details of any spending on single items over £25,000 – go to Single spends over £25,000.

CQUIN Summary of Guidance applying to SECAmb in 2018/19

A proportion of SECAmb income (2.5%) in 2018/19 is conditional on achieving quality improvement and innovation goals agreed between SECAmb and any person or body they entered into a contract, agreement or arrangement with for the provision of relevant health services, through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQIN) payment framework.

In summary, three national CQUINs apply to SECAmb as follows:

 Ambulance Conveyance (1.25%) 

  • Patient Demographic Service (PDS) matching this is matching NHS number
  • Summary Care Record look up (SCR)
  •  Directory of Service (DOS) look up
  • Workforce Support
  •  Develop a carer pathway
  • Outcomes – this is based on targets for Hear and Treat, See and Treat, See and Convey to Emergency Department and See and Convey to other destinations

Health and Well Being (0.25%)

  • A Improving staff health and wellbeing – this is measured on achieving a 5% improvement in two of three NHS annual staff survey questions on health and wellbeing (MSK and Stress)
  • B Improving the uptake of flu vaccinations for front line staff – target of 75% uptake of the flu vaccinations by frontline healthcare workers

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP) Engagement (0.5%)

This target was to achieve and evidence full engagement and participation in STPs. SECAmb work with four of these but only three were included as these were fully inside our geography . These are as follows;-

  • Surrey Heartlands – measured quarterly via partnership board for all participants
  • Sussex East Surrey – measured via quarterly reports
  • Kent and Medway – measured via quarterly reports

The further 0.5% is held as a risk reserve for all NHS Providers

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