As a member you must be over the age of 16 and you can get involved as much or as little as you like. We don’t expect all our members to come with knowledge of the ambulance service, or even to have used an ambulance (though we are keen that a number of our members have used our services).
Membership is free and you will be sent a welcome letter in due course. You’ll also receive our members newsletter ‘Your Call’. With the environment in mind, we would love to send your copy via email, so please do provide an email address if you can when you sign up to become a member. You also be eligible to receive discounts from selected retailers via Health Service Discount scheme.
So why not support your local NHS ambulance and sign up to become a member today by completing this online form or downloading a hard copy of the form and return it to our membership office.
Disclaimer: During the course of our activities, we collect, store and process personal information in relation to its staff and those who have signed up to be a public member of our Trust. Staff are trained to handle your information correctly and protect your confidentiality and privacy. You can read more about how your personal information is stored and handled in our privacy notice.
Looking for more from your membership?
Why not consider standing for election to our Council of Governors. Governors are volunteer FT members who represent their constituency areas and hold our non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Board. They are effectively a critical friend to the Trust and ensure we are putting our patients and people at the heart of our decision making. Come along to our annual members meeting to find out more on this rewarding and important role and meet some of our existing staff and public governors.