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Displaying 1 to 10 of 406 publications for 'All categories'

PALS Annual Report 2023-24

July 10 2024 04:53
Publication type: Annual Reports
Download publication (.pdf, 584 KB)

Spends over £25,000 Report – June 2024

July 5 2024 02:11
Publication type: Expenditure over £25,000
Download publication (.csv, 32 KB)

Council of Governors – Meeting papers

July 5 2024 01:55
Publication type: Council of Governors
Download publication (.pdf, 7 MB)

SECAmb Quality Accounts 2023-24

June 11 2024 01:49
Publication type: Quality Accounts and Report
Download publication (.pdf, 25 MB)

Spends over £25,000 Report – May 2024

June 4 2024 11:30
Publication type: Expenditure over £25,000
Download publication (.csv, 23 KB)

Trust Board Papers – June 2024

May 30 2024 07:50
Publication type: Board and Council Papers
Download publication (.pdf, 32 MB)

Spends over £25,000 Report – April 2024

May 23 2024 06:17
Publication type: Expenditure over £25,000
Download publication (.csv, 34 KB)

Spends over £25,000 Report – March 2024

May 23 2024 06:16
Publication type: Expenditure over £25,000
Download publication (.csv, 29 KB)

SECAmb Green Plan on a page

May 22 2024 01:05
Publication type: Business Planning
Download publication (.pdf, 179 KB)

Green Plan 2023-2026

May 22 2024 12:57
Publication type: Business Planning
Download publication (.pdf, 1 MB)