South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, (SECAmb), will be highlighting of the importance of raising concerns as part of Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Month.
SECAmb kicked off the month, which runs throughout October, this week with the first of three coffee mornings with Chief Executive, Simon Weldon, and SECAmb’s FTSU Executive Lead, Margaret Dalziel.
Colleagues are being encouraged throughout the month to share their Freedom to Speak Up pledges. Staff and volunteers have the option to share their pledges with colleagues virtually.
SECAmb CEO, Simon Weldon, has shared his pledge with colleagues that he will ‘do all that I can to make SECAmb a place where speaking up is welcomed and all our leaders think it is a core part of their roles both to speak up themselves and encourage their teams to do so’.
SECAmb is committed to further embedding Freedom to Speak Up as part of improving its culture. The theme of this year’s awareness month is Breaking Barriers. The Trust’s FTSU team will also use the month to identify potential barriers that colleagues face when speaking up and raising concerns.
To support this, SECAmb will also share a series of podcasts-style videos with colleagues as its FTSU guardians talk to members of our staff networks to discuss some of the barriers their members face to speaking up.
The FTSU function is there to support colleagues in speaking up when things may not seem right or have gone wrong. It is additional to other existing channels open to staff and volunteers to raise concerns.
For more information on Freedom to Speak Up visit: NHS England » Freedom to speak up