South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS
Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is pleased to announce the appointment of
a new Independent Non-Executive Director.
Dr Angela Smith, from Brighton, will initially serve a three-year
term running until February 2020, and replaces Trevor Willington
whose final term of office ended at the end of January.
While her career was mostly focused on the International
Financial Services Sector, Angela spent some time as a Partner at
KPMG and retired recently from a senior public sector role.
Through her career Angela has gained substantial Board and
Committee experience, chairing several Finance and Risk
Angela joins fellow independent non-executives, Sir Peter Dixon
(Interim Chairman), Lucy Bloem, Tim Howe, Graham Colbert, Al Rymer
and Terry Parkin. She will chair the Trust’s Audit Committee.
Welcoming the appointment, SECAmb Chairman Peter Dixon, said:
“I’m delighted that Angela has joined the Board. I look forward to
working with her and I know her wealth of experience will ensure
she makes a strong contribution to the Trust.”
Angela said: “Ambulance services are a critical part of the NHS
and an essential feature of modern British life. SECAmb is
particularly noted for its dedicated and caring colleagues and I am
delighted to have this opportunity to contribute.”