Thursday 2nd February is National Time to Talk
day. Looking after our mental health is as important as looking
after our physical health, yet there is still such a stigma around
the subject. So let’s show support for each other by breaking the
silence and get talking.
Mental health problems affect one in
four of us yet people are still afraid to talk about it. For
people with mental health problems not being able to talk about it
can be one of the worst parts of the illness. So by getting people
talking about mental health can break down stereotypes, improve
relationships, aid recovery, taking the stigma out of something
that affects us all.
Having that initial conversation helps us to
break the barrier, and we should be privileged that somebody feels
able to open up to us, so let’s all aim to have one conversation
about mental health on February 2nd.
Our Employee Assistance Providers, Care First,
also provide a counselling service to which you can signpost
colleagues or access via the details on the Health & Wellbeing section of our
intranet. Also, don’t forget our
Chaplains who are always ready to lend an ear.