SECAmb is committed to working with all our staff and healthcare partners in reducing healthcare associated infections.

The prevention and control of infection is recognised as the responsibility of every single member of our staff, especially those delivering direct patient care. We are committed to providing a safe, clean and hygienic environment. This commitment is underpinned by robust policy and procedures for infection control.


Our work incorporates:

  • Identifying incidents or trends involving infection control and assessing their risk to patients and staff.
  • Inspect, audit and report on infection prevention and control practices across the Trust against national and international standards.
  • Support occupational and staff development, education, and training on infection prevention and control practice.
  • Provision of policies, guidelines and procedures based upon evidence, recognised national and international guidelines and recognised good practice.
  • Review new publications relating to infection prevention and control with a view to updating policies and implementing procedures and guidelines.
  • Liaise with organisations such as: Health Protection Agency; CCGS; acute trusts; National Patient Safety Agency; and Department of Health to develop and improve infection prevention and control measures.
  • Developing and providing information to the public; patients; staff and healthcare partners regarding the Trust’s infection prevention and control measures.

For more information about how we manage infection control please contact our infection prevention and control team:

Adrian Hogan:  Infection Control Lead

Telephone: 01622 740451