Freedom of Information Requests
We are committed to being as open and transparent as possible and we welcome FOI requests
We are committed to being as open and transparent as possible and we welcome FOI requests
The South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is committed to being as open and transparent as possible and welcomes FOI requests.
You may wish to read our leaflet which explains how we deal with requests for information.
Please also take a look at our publication scheme for further details of information currently available on our web site.
Before submitting a FOI request, please check our FOI Disclosure Log which contains responses to FOI requests submitted since April 2011.
You may be able to find the information you are seeking here.
Alternatively you can write to the Freedom of Information Coordinator at:
South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, Nexus House, 4 Gatwick Road, Crawley RH10 9BG
Or email:
Please provide your name and address and describe clearly the information that you are seeking. We will acknowledge receipt of your request and provide a response within 20 working days.
There is generally no charge for single hard copies of documents, leaflets and brochures, but we reserve the right to charge £0.10 per sheet plus postage where large numbers are requested.