The CQC inspectors will be visiting the Trust
from Tuesday, 3 May, until Friday, 6 May.  Groups of
inspectors will be visiting stations and hospitals.

They will want to talk to patients, carers,
and staff (at all levels) about their experiences of care provided,
and will also observe everyday activities
and the environment.

They could visit during the day or night, and
will want to observe patient care in practice and they may wish to
view policies, procedures and supporting documents. They will
assess if systems and processes operate as laid out in policies,
and follow the patient pathway through the service.

They may be at a station or a hospital while
you are working if they do they will be wearing the ID badge which
is detailed below.

If they approach you and this badge is not
visible then please ask to see or take their name and check with
EOC who will have details of all the inspectors’

There is more information on
the intranet
about what to do if inspectors visit a station or
hospital while you are on duty.

If you have any concerns then please contact
the CQC support team