South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Executive Director.
David Ruiz-Celada will join the Trust as Executive Director of Planning and Business Development later this year in September.
The role comes with an extensive portfolio including system forecasting and planning to ensure the Trust’s Operations Directorate has the right level of resources to deliver timely patient care as well as the delivery of Information Management, logistics and Fleet.
Originally from Barcelona and an aeronautical engineer by training, David now lives in Kent and will join SECAmb after a decade of working in the aviation industry. With a focus on operations planning and management, logistics and improvement, he has worked across airlines and air handing operators in Spain and most recently at London City Airport since 2014 where he is currently Director of Operations Strategy and Planning.
His current role has seen him lead a number of key areas including developing forecasting and modelling capability within the airport and delivering a number of improvement initiatives using technology and process changes to increase capacity.
SECAmb Chief Executive Officer Philip Astle said: “I am really pleased to have appointed David to this important role and I am confident his character, personality and experience will prove hugely beneficial to SECAmb. I would like to formally welcome him ahead of his arrival in September and look forward to working closely with him in future.”
David said: “I am delighted to be joining the SECAmb team and look forward to meeting all of the colleagues who day-in, day-out make a difference to our communities. I trust that my slightly different background will bring in a new perspective that will help make SECAmb even better in the years to come.”