Anti-Bribery & Corruption
As a publicly-funded organisation, South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust is committed to delivering good governance and the highest standards of ethical and financial conduct.
As a publicly-funded organisation, South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust is committed to delivering good governance and the highest standards of ethical and financial conduct.
Our Commitment
As a publicly-funded organisation, South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust is committed to delivering good governance and the highest standards of ethical and financial conduct.
As such the Trust takes a zero tolerance approach to all forms of bribery as defined under The Bribery Act 2010 – including the giving or receiving of a financial or other advantage in exchange for improperly performing a relevant function or activity.
The Bribery Act 2010 aims to tackle bribery and corruption in both the private and public sectors. The maximum penalty for bribery is 10 years imprisonment with an unlimited fine.
The Trust has set out its commitment and expectations in meeting the requirements of this piece of legislation through its Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy and associated policies and procedures.
All staff and volunteers, non-executives and other relevant parties, including any external agents working or acting on behalf of the Trust are responsible for familiarising themselves with the requirements surrounding these policies and for complying with these at all times. This includes those in relation to procurement, hospitality and the acceptance of gifts.
Any instances of non-compliance will be dealt with in line with the Trust’s internal disciplinary and could also result in criminal charges being brought against offenders.
SECAmb expects its suppliers and those working on its behalf to adhere to these standards and may seek to terminate contracts with any suppliers found by a court of law to have been found guilty of corruption.
Any staff or external provider/supplier in doubt as to whether their conduct could amount to bribery, or if you have any concerns or suspicions regarding bribery being committed, please contact our Counter Fraud Team
On behalf of the Trust, I confirm our commitment to ensuring that all staff, suppliers and contractors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the prevention of fraud, bribery and corruption and that the risk of SECAmb’s exposure to acts of bribery, fraud and corruption is mitigated.