Governor Elections

We hold elections in our public and staff constituencies on a rolling basis every few years and our members are notified when elections are to be held.

Governors’ strength lies in working together as a Council with the Trust to make things better for our people and our patients. Read on for how to vote or stand in our local elections.


Upcoming Elections

We have elections in the following constituencies for our upcoming 2025 Governor elections which open on 16 October 2024. Voting closes on 8 November 2024. Results are announced on 11 November.

  • x1 Brighton & East Sussex
  • x1 Surrey
  • x2 West Sussex
  • x3 Medway & Kent
  • x1 Non-Operational Staff
  • x2 Operational Staff

A list of all persons nominated to stand for election can be found here.

Details of how to vote in Governor elections will be sent to you if you are a member of our Trust. This may be by email or post depending on if we have an email address for you. If you have been receiving our correspondence by post and would prefer to receive it electronically to save the NHS money, please email

Any queries can be directed to: